Over the years, I have learned that the typical corporate Christmas childrens' gifting events usualy resulted in the same gifts given to children; what I call junk toys made in China that last only a short ammount of the child's attention time and then get thrown away.
I wanted to create and gift something that is unusual.
This child's raincoat was hand made and gifted to a Children's gift charity being held at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI).
I imposed a rule on myself that everything on this jacket has to be hand made, including the closure. The closure is constructed from recycled stainless steel components including silverware and parts of a bicycle sprocket that is used as a hook.
A lottery was held at OMSI to decide which child would receive this gift. Unfortunatly, since I had stayed up until about 2 AM the previous evening in order to finish constructing this gift, I was extremely tired and not feeling well. I had to leave prior to the selection of the fortunate child who would receive this gift. But that does not matter. All I know is that some lucky child is wearing a one-of-a-kind cape!
The inspiration for the closure came from a woman's rain cape that I remember seeing at Filenes in Downtown Boston.