Cathedral Of Peace With Boston Garden Facade Necklace
Mark Allyn Artistic Journal
Clothing, Jewelry, and Light Artist in Bellingham, Washington
Cathedral Of Peace With Boston Garden Facade Necklace
I went to many sporting events at the old Boston Garden during my childhood and I had this fascination with the articuture of that building.

It took my most favorite memories of the old Boston Garden's architecture and combined it with the peace on earth symbol.

For those of you who never saw the old Boston Garden; the art deco facade with the two towers and radio spires, along with the arched doorways represents the facade.

The boxy, unattractive portions of Boston Garden, along with the billboard above it, are replaced with the peace on earth symbol, which is constructed of scrap bicycle sprockets and glass.

the glass is two layers; one engraved with the earth's land masses; andthe other engraved with the earth's oceans. Each layer of glass is edge lit with different colors of LEDs. Behind the glass is a steel peace symbol that is lit by white LEDs.